
Thank you for trying this application! Keep in mind that this is an early release and I've still a lot of features to implement.
Send your feedback and suggestions at @avivace4 or admin (at)
This app is totally free, open-source and has no ad. Please consider supporting it by leaving a review on the Play Store and sharing it with other fellow coders.


The full source code of the application is available on GitHub, here. Any contribution, bug-report in Issues and feedback is welcome.


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Github repository


Developed and mantained by Antonio Vivace, © 2016 - 2017. All rights reserved.
The challenges (and the solutions) are from the /r/dailyprogrammer subreddit. The icon was designed by Davide Maniaci.
Special thanks to DanielRuf, fnicolini, mrota, bino.


This app is released as open-source software with a GPLv3 license. Additional components with different licenses are used. Any reuse or rebranding of the application logo (shown above) is forbidden.
Complete license, Third Party Licenses and Copyright notices
APK_v1.3 - WebApp_v0.10 BETA


Web App

0.10 - 5/6/2017
Web version
Full responsive layout
Faster difficulty filtering
Added sharing options for the web version

0.9 - 4/23/2017
Android status bar will be affected by the theme.
New loading animation.
Added Share app button in About page.
Difficulty labels are now colored dots.
Reduced margins. Higher UI density.

0.8 - 4/14/2017
More compact cards, a bit higher text density.
Fixed a bug loading the light theme for a splitsecond even on the dark theme.
Unified navigation bar

0.7 - 3/11/2017
Added the Settings page and a dark theme global theme.
Added internal notifications for updates.

0.6 - 3/10/2017
Added See More feature (and animation).
Scroll down to the bottom to see more.
Added the changelog in Credits page.

0.5 - 1/1/2017
Added Solutions.
Tuned up the style of titles and padding on challenges page.

0.4 - 5/11/2016
Added Sorting for difficulty (tabs).
Clicking anywhere on the card now opens the challenge.


1.3 - 4/23/2017
Support for native Android actions (status bar theming, sharer)

1.2 - 3/11/2016
Fixed a bug preventing the use of HTML5 webstorage.

1.1 - 1/1/2017
Scroll to refresh.
Now opening some links out of the app.

1.0 - 1/9/2016
Initial Release.